Thursday, January 15, 2009

i intend no particular offense with the following message

usually i wouldn't post two entries in a row, but this just makes me want to rant so hard i'd puke.

i'm sitting here in the chemistry lab at vanderbilt waiting for my nanoparticles to centrifuge at 14,000 xg for 30 minutes before adding some more pbs and centrifuging some more for another 30 minutes, so i had some time to just chill.

facebook is definitely a great source of news i wouldn't normally have time to look up myself, but i just found out something that makes me wonder how people in the world lack so much thought, experience, and just plain judgment.

oops, my nanoparticles have just stopped spinning.

metro is closing schools tomorrow. because the weather is too cold. yes let me repeat that one more time. the WEATHER is too COLD. would you like that in a different language? anyway. it's going to be twenty degrees farenheit and that's just too cold for metro nashville to handle. really ? REALLY ? well, why don't we take mnps up to boston or michigan or north dakota (-30 degrees today) to see what COLD really is. when these students who attend the public schools grow up and live on their own, most likely out of nashville, what do you expect them to do when it's "too cold" ? stay home and whine about it ? an excuse like this is ridiculous and lame. this absurdity mystifies my own logic. it is just the exact opposite of what education is supposed to ensure. didn't they want students to grow into a person who can live independently, logically, intelligently, and perservingly in teh real world ? no ? ok then, you can have your "cold day." one of the reasons i am glad i attend a school who is strong enough to base their reasons on sensible logic. proof: one snow day out of the four years i've gone to this school.

sigh. i'm going to better myself right now instead of ranting and go play freerice and possibly waste more time flickring.

1 gave love:

mindy said...

well, i agree with you that metro's retarded most of the time, but hey... i'm not complaining about a snow day. ;)

nashville hardly ever gets cold, so it's kinda peculiar when it does. i was telling jen when we were freezing our butts off driving my puny little car with barely any heat to school this morning : "if we were in chicago, it would always be this freaking cold."

but hey, we're in the south, so we deserve to have a few days off because of the cold. cuz it never snows or gets that cold. :D